Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hi again,

Tomorrow morning we will be departing Whitehorse for the first leg of our trip. The plan is to travel close to 500 km in the next 5 days which would put us in Watson Lake by weekend. We are getting some last minute supplies together in preparation for the week and making sure we have enough food and water.

Yesterday our new friends Skyler and Sarah drove us to Haines, Alaska for the 18th annual Great Alaska Craft Beer and Home Brew Festival. We had a great time there and were amazed with the natural beauty of the area.

It is going to be a challenge to sleep properly as the sun is still shinning at midnight and the days will continue to get longer for the next 3 weeks. There is no phone service through Rogers up here so we will have to rely on the odd pay phone and hopefully will have access to wirelessInternet next weekend for another update.

Again, please feel free to comment on our posts and follow our blog for updates. We will probably have much more to tell you in a weeks time.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cycling The North

Hey Gang,

After months of planning we are finally here. Tomorrow morning we fly to Whitehorse, Yukon and begin filming our first feature length documentary. We will depart Whitehorse early Monday morning and begin our 1900 km trek across Canada's Northern Territory arriving in Yellowknife, NWT at the end of June.

We are not sure when we will have access to internet but the plan is to update our news section as we go. Please feel free to comment on our posts and keep in touch with us on our trip. Thanks again to everyone who has supported us and this project, we could not have done it without you.
